- Tennis
- Fitness
- Relax
is included in full-time program.
- Tennis
- Fitness
- Relax
The program is meant for professional players or for those who have an ambition to become professionals. The tennis coach makes the players’ training plan based on age, performance and frequency. Tennis and fitness training is supplemented with mental preparation and recovery (massage, physiotherapy, stretching, yoga, and other compensatory exercises). The premium program includes attending tennis tournaments (5-10 tournaments). The standard program includes two tournament escorts and two fitness camps. Several free time activities are arranged as well, e.g. rafting, bowling, cinema, aquapark and many other.

Our Academy aims to develop and control the players’ every aspect of the game – tennis, fitness, mental and health. The flow of information between the team members – coaches, masseurs, physiotherapists, psychologists – might influence the success of our players; so it remains a key factor for us. Each element of the training process is analyzed, in order to get rid of mistakes and execute better, the whole process is tailored to individual needs. The ratio of elements varies during a season: pre-tournament, tournament periods require different approach than a relaxing one. Therefore we have developed a unique application to monitor team cooperation and its effectiveness.

During the diagnosis we evaluate the applicants. We evaluate tennis parameters – such as technique, tennis shots, tempo, movement in the court, effectiveness of shots and so called “playfulness”. Fitness trainers will test players and mental trainers will test psychological abilities and emotional intelligence. Physiotherapist will monitor basic deficiencies, which occur due to asymmetrical loading, and other functions of movements. The most important test is a competition match. It reveals the most about strengths and weaknesses.

Individual training, sparring, training matches – interval trainings in the mornings, basic shots, drills, net play, volleys. Serves, returns, game situations and matches in the afternoons. Video analysis (it is important for the players to get detailed analysis of their playing style and technique). Tournament planning for the players.

Morning exercises – focusing on running, start, skillfulness, reaction to the ball, games, special staying power – the combination of these during a week. Fitness in the afternoon – power work and improving explosiveness. Recovery – stretching and additional exercises with a trainer, yoga, massage, sauna, physiotherapy.

Mental training
Psychodiagnostics, visualization, tennis rituals.