In the Academy Love4Tennis we believe that the right balance between sports performance and education is essential in the process of development of successful athletes.
Hard work, discipline, respect and humility are essential in professional sports, as well as in achieving the goals of any kind in real life. That is why we ensure for our players an environment where there is sufficient time and attention for development of their education.
To our players we provide the following forms of education:
- UNIVERSITY COURSES – Tennis Academy is the only academy that co-operate with prestigious English university – The Open University. In addition to the classic forms of study also provides a unique form of online learning that are popular especially with students around the world. It is ideal in combination with professional sports since it is time-flexible and students can study anywhere in the world. Diploma and educational attainment is recognized worldwide. The Open University offers studies in high school and college until a bachelor’s degree.
- STUDY IN HIGH SCHOOL – we cooperate with the bilingual high school in Bratislava, where our players can study in English language. School allows our players to use individual study plan so their school activities can combine with professional tennis. Graduation from high school is recognized worldwide.
- TUTORING OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE – academy Love4Tennis arranges private English tutor who regularly brings together players directly in the Academy. Times of tutoring are adapted to the individual players training process, so they can devote to their tennis performance.